Injury Prevention Routines

These program are designed to minimize the risk of shin splints, tendinitis, and other overuse injuries associated with Track & Field / Cross Country training.



‘Shin Splint’ Prevention & GENERAL Flexibility Routine (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)

This routine can be completed in about 15 minutes and no equipment is necessary. Athletes should complete this routine Everyday After All Practices.

Lower Leg Strengthening and Proprioception

Toe Walk x25 meters
Walk on toes and ball of the foot only for 25 meters.
Walk slowly and under control, emphasizing balance.

Heel Walk x25 meters
Walk on heel only for 25 meters. Walk slowly and under control, emphasizing balance.

Double Leg Heel Raises 2×20
Slowly raise yourself from standing flat to on the toes, with your heels off the ground. Lower slowly and under control, emphasizing balance. Repeat for 2 sets of 20 repetitions. This exercise can be progressed by standing on a single leg.

Weight Shift on toes 2×20
Stand on toes and ball of the feet only and shift weight from the inside of the feet, near the big toe,to the outside of the feet, near the small toe. Rock from inside to outside of the feet slowly and under control, emphasizing balance. Repeat for 2 sets of 20 repetitions.

Lower leg Flexibility

Gastroc/Soleus (Calf) Stretch 2×30 seconds
With both hands on the ground and one foot down, push your weight back trying to touch the heel to the ground. Do this stretch with knee fully extended, followed by the knee bent. Repeat for 2 sets of 30 seconds.

Tibialis Anterior Stretch 2×30 seconds
This stretch has three variations; each one requires more flexibility than the previous. Only one variation should be done in each session, progressing as flexibility improves.
1. Place top of the foot on an elevated surface behind you. Push your weight down so that the top of the foot is pulled away from the shin.
2. Standing on a single leg, bring the foot toward the rear. Grab the top of the foot near the toes and pull the foot away from the shin. In the stretch position the knee should point down, and the toes should point up.
3. Start kneeling with the top of the feet on the ground, toes point back, knees pointing forward. Slowly sit back on the soles of the feet.

Hip & CORe Flexibility

Hip Flexor Stretch 2×30 seconds
Begin in a deep lunge position and shift the weight forward until a stretch is felt in the front of the hip. Hold this position for 2 sets of 30 seconds on each side.

Hamstring Stretch 2×30 seconds
Seated, with legs forward and knees fully extended, reach for the toes until a stretch is felt in the back of the thighs. Hold this position for 2 sets of 30 seconds.
Standing, place the arch of the foot on a low stable object or step 1 ft to 2 ft off the ground and press forward from the hip keeping the leg straight

Quadriceps Stretch 2×30 seconds
To stretch the left Quad, kneel, then place the Right Foot in front of you such that your ankle is in front of your knee. Pull your Left foot to your butt using your left hand and lean forward toward your right foot. Reverse sides for the right Quad.

I.T. Band Stretch 2×30 seconds
This stretch can be done seated or standing.
Seated -Sit with the Right leg extended. Bend the Left knee and cross it over the extended Right leg. Rotate the torso so that the Right elbow is outside the Left knee. Hold this position for 2 sets of 30 seconds, then reverse for an additional 2 sets of 30 seconds.
Standing – Bring the Left leg behind the Right. Lean the body to the Right stretching the outside of the Left hip. Reach the Left arm over head to increase the stretch. Hold this position for 2 sets of 30 seconds, then reverse for an additional 2 sets of 30 seconds.

Adductor Stretch 2×30 seconds
Sit with the knees bent and the soles of the feet together. Lower the knees toward the ground until a stretch is felt on the inside of the thighs. Hold this position for 2 x 30 seconds sets of 30 seconds.

Back Bridge 2×30 seconds
From a lying position bend your knees such that the bottoms of both feet are on the ground. Place both palms in the air with fingers pointing away from your toes. Bend your arms toward your head such that your palms are on the ground next to your ears with fingers pointed toward your shoulders. Press up from the hips such they raise into the air. Your body should make an upside down ” U “. Jumpers should hold this position for 60 seconds instead of 30.



This routine can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes and no only a foam roller is necessary. Athletes should complete this routine Everyday After All Practices.

Right & Left Adductors
Lie face down and place the right thigh, knee flexed (bent) and abducted (out to the side), over the foam roller. Slowly roll the inner thigh area to find the most tender spot. Hold for 30-90 seconds until the discomfort is reduced. Then roll the full inner thigh from the back of the groin to the knee 12 times.  Switch and repeat on the left leg.

Right & Left Quadriceps
Lie face-down on the floor with your weight supported by your hands or forearms. Place a foam roller underneath the right leg and keep that foot off the ground. Shifting as much weight onto the leg as possible. Slowly roll the thigh area to find the most tender spot. Hold for 30-90 seconds until the discomfort is reduced. Then roll from just above the knee to below the hip 12 times. Repeat on left side.

Both Shins
Kneel on your foam roller with your hands on the ground in front of you and roll towards your ankles (just above the foot), and then back towards your knees do this 20times on both legs simultaneously.

Right & Left Gastroc & Soleus (Calf)
Place foam roller under the right mid-calf. Cross the opposite leg over the top of the other to increase pressure. Slowly roll calf area to find the most tender spot. Hold that spot for 30-90 seconds until the discomfort is reduced. Then roll the full calf from the back of the knee to the ankle 12 times.  Switch and repeat on the left leg.

Right & Left IT Band
Lie on your right side with the foam roller just in front of the hip. Cross the top leg over the lower leg, placing that foot on the floor. Slowly roll from the hip joint down toward the knee to find a tender spot. Hold for 30-90 seconds until the discomfort is reduced. Then roll the full IT band from the knee to the hip 12 times.  Switch and repeat on the left leg.

Right & Left Hamstring
While seated, extend your legs over a foam roller so that it is positioning on the back of the upper legs. Place your hands to the side or behind you to help support your weight. Using your hands, lift hips off of the floor and shift your weight on the foam roll to one leg. Slowly roll the back of the leg to find the most tender spot. Hold for 30-90 seconds until the discomfort is reduced. Roll from below the butt to the back of the knee 12 times. Switch and repeat on the left leg.

Right & Left Glute & Piriformis
Sit on top of the foam roller, positioned on the back of the hip, crossing one foot over the opposite knee. Lean into the hip of the crossed leg. Slowly roll on the posterior (butt) area to find a tender spot. Hold for 30-90 seconds until the discomfort is reduced. Repeat on other side. The roll from below the end of the lower back to the top of the hamstring 12 times. Switch and repeat on the left leg.

Upper Back
Lie on the floor with the foam roller behind the upper back. Cross arms to opposite shoulders. Raise hips off the floor and slowly roll back and forth to find a tender spot. Hold for 30-90 seconds. Then Roll from shoulders to the mid back 12 times.

Right & Left Lats 
Lie on the right side with the arm closest to the ground outstretched with thumb facing upwards. Place the foam roller under the arm. Slowly roll back and forth from the under arm to the waist to find a tender spot. Hold for 30-90 seconds until the discomfort is reduced. T hen Roll from under arm to the waist 12 times. Repeat on the left side.